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Welcome to Wuffotel

We are pleased that you are interested in the species-appropriate and loving accommodation of your pet in our kennel or dog day care center during your absence.

Lesen Sie auf den Seiten unserer Hundetagesstätte wie pudelwohl sich Ihr Hund bei uns fühlen wird, wenn Sie Ihrer Arbeit nachgehen. Gerne kann Ihr Liebling auch Gast für einen Tag oder auch nur für ein paar Stunden werden. Bei uns wird gespielt, getobt, gerannt, gestreichelt und noch viel mehr.

On the pages of our animal boarding house you can find out what is offered to your darling if you want to go on holiday yourself or if a longer stay in hospital is imminent. Our four-legged guests feel completely comfortable in our dog hotel - at your home, at our home!

Have a good feeling and a calm conscience during your absence, because the needs of the animal and your care wishes are our priority.

We hope you enjoy reading this issue and look forward to your visit. In order to be able to look after you individually, please make an appointment in advance.

If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us by phone or e-mail.

Do you have any questions?